Well during this time my mind has done the same thing. I have not been wondering about what I got however. I have been wondering about music.
As many of you know we, Silver, has just finished recording our first CD together. Brent and Pat have recorded one without me but this one is all three of us. So, of course during this season of wondering, I have started to wonder about our music and will it be enjoyed by people around us. I will have to say that I really like the music that we have recorded, but I think that I am a little biased. Of course everyones dream that plays music is for their music to be liked by the masses. My dream is that but so much more. I have always wanted my music to mean something to someone. Whether it is a nice riff that inspires someone to pick up an instrument. Or, whether it is by another avenue that I can help someone. The possibilities are endless.
So I wonder what will come of this music. How can I, or we as Silver, impact someone else's life in a positive way.