Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holidays and Music

During this time of year, or rather right before you open presents Christmas morning, your mind can start to wonder.  Wonder about what you are getting, wonder about if the Christmas sweater your grandma got you is going to fit or if the presents you got for other people are going to be enjoyed by those people.

Well during this time my mind has done the same thing.  I have not been wondering about what I got however.  I have been wondering about music.

As many of you know we, Silver, has just finished recording our first CD together.  Brent and Pat have recorded one without me but this one is all three of us.  So, of course during this season of wondering, I have started to wonder about our music and will it be enjoyed by people around us.  I will have to say that I really like the music that we have recorded, but I think that I am a little biased.  Of course everyones dream that plays music is for their music to be liked by the masses.  My dream is that but so much more.  I have always wanted my music to mean something to someone.  Whether it is a nice riff that inspires someone to pick up an instrument.  Or, whether it is by another avenue that I can help someone.  The possibilities are endless.  

So I wonder what will come of this music.  How can I, or we as Silver, impact someone else's life in a positive way.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Hell Frozen Over?

This post will probably be more for musicians or bass enthusiast.

So for pretty much the whole time I have been playing bass beside one of my good friends, Aaron Chappell, we have had this little battle.  A battle of Fender Bass Guitars.  I never liked playing them and he said that they were great bass guitars.

Well over the last few months with it ending this past Monday, I have come to the realization that Fender Basses are really well made and have a great sound if you work with them long enough.  The Jazz bass is a really good live bass and has a lot of punch to it and so it is in your face all of the time.  The Precision bass, or "P Bass" as some call it, records really well and is really smooth.

This is a very heavy hearted day for me, cause it is like finding out that your favorite baseball player did in fact take steroids and did not just work his ass off to get that big.  I was under the impression that Warwick basses are the best and no other bass would even come close.  Well that is wrong, Fender basses have become probably one of my favorite basses now.  

So, Chapps you won this round, but do not think that you will win the next round.

So, now the only thing to do is figure out how I can get one for cheap or sell mine so that I can get a Fender Jazz Bass.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

In the studio

So, this morning I woke up, ate a bowl of cereal, grabbed the four basses I had in the apartment, only one of them actually being mine, and headed off to meet Patrick and Brent at Patrick's house.  We met and headed off to Warrior Sound studios in Chapel Hill.

This is very exciting for me, cause music has always been a big passion of mine.  I have been in several bands in the past.  I am currently in Silver and I play at my church, Visio Dei.  Along with them two I have played for Shelly Moore, and another church, Summit Church.

So, being in the studio and recording an album with two guys that I really enjoy playing music with is awesome.  My wife is excited as well cause she knows that this is something that I hope to do as a career one day.

We are currently tracking the first song on drums right now.  It is already giving me chills, it is freaking awesome.

Stay tuned for more about my experience and hopefully some pics as well while we are in the studio with Al from Warrior Sound.