Friday, December 19, 2008

Hell Frozen Over?

This post will probably be more for musicians or bass enthusiast.

So for pretty much the whole time I have been playing bass beside one of my good friends, Aaron Chappell, we have had this little battle.  A battle of Fender Bass Guitars.  I never liked playing them and he said that they were great bass guitars.

Well over the last few months with it ending this past Monday, I have come to the realization that Fender Basses are really well made and have a great sound if you work with them long enough.  The Jazz bass is a really good live bass and has a lot of punch to it and so it is in your face all of the time.  The Precision bass, or "P Bass" as some call it, records really well and is really smooth.

This is a very heavy hearted day for me, cause it is like finding out that your favorite baseball player did in fact take steroids and did not just work his ass off to get that big.  I was under the impression that Warwick basses are the best and no other bass would even come close.  Well that is wrong, Fender basses have become probably one of my favorite basses now.  

So, Chapps you won this round, but do not think that you will win the next round.

So, now the only thing to do is figure out how I can get one for cheap or sell mine so that I can get a Fender Jazz Bass.

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